The app is a complete free handbook of Computer system Architecture & Organization which covers important topics, notes, materials, news & blogs on the course. Download the App as a reference material & digital book for computer science engineering programs & software degree courses.
This useful App lists 125 topics with detailed notes, diagrams, equations, formulas & course material, the topics are listed in 5 chapters. The app is must have for all the engineering science students & professionals.
The app provides quick revision and reference to the important topics like a detailed flash card notes, it makes it easy & useful for the student or a professional to cover the course syllabus quickly before an exams or interview for jobs.
Track your learning, set reminders, edit the study material, add favorite topics, share the topics on social media.
You can also blog about engineering technology, innovation, engineering startups, college research work, institute updates, Informative links on course materials & education programs from your smartphone or tablet or at
Use this useful engineering app as your tutorial, digital book, a reference guide for syllabus, course material, project work, sharing your views on the blog.
Some of the topics Covered in the app are:
1. Introduction to Computer Organization and Architecture
2. Computer Organization and Architecture Structure
3. Performance Measures
4. Memory Locations and Operations
5. Addressing Modes
6. Instruction types of machine
7. A Simple Machine
8. Instructions mnemonics and syntax
9. Assembler Directives and Commands
10. Assembly and Execution of Programs
11. Number System
12. Integer Arithmetic
13. Floating Point Arithmetic
14. The IEEE Floating-Point Standard
15. Hamming Code
16. The Arithmetic and logic Unit
17. Integer Representation
18. Micro Operations
19. Control of the processor
20. Hardware Implimentations
21. Microprogrammed Control
22. Microinstruction Sequencing
23. Microinstruction Execution
24. TI 8800
25. Types of parallel Processor systems
26. Symmetric Multiprocessors
27. Symmetric Multiprocessors Organization
28. Multiprocessor Operating System Design Considerations
29. A Mainframe SMP
30. Cache Coherence and the mesi protocol
31. Software and hardware Solutions for cache Coherence
32. The MESI Protocol
33. Multithreading and Clip Multiprocessing
34. Approaches to Explicit Multithreading
35. Clusters
36. Operating System Design Issues in Clustering
37. Cluster Computer Architecture
38. Nonuniform memory Access
39. NUMA Pros and Cons
40. Vector Computation
41. Approaches to Vector Computation
42. Hardware Performance Issues
43. Power Consumption
44. Software Performance Issues
45. Application Example:Valve Game Software
46. Multicore Organization
47. Introduction to Input/Output Devices
48. Basic Concepts of I/O Devices
49. Progarmmed I/O
50. Interrupt – Driven I/O
51. Interrupt Hardware
52. Examples of interrupt I/O
53. Direct Memory Access(DMA)
54. Buses
55. Synchronous and Asynchronous Buses
56. Bus Arbitration
57. Input/Output Interfaces
58. Accessing I/O Devices
59. Program-controlled I/O
60. Interrupts
61. Interrupts Hardware
62. Interrupt Hardware
63. Enabling and Disabling Interrupts
64. Handling Multiple Devices
Each topic is complete with diagrams, equations and other forms of graphical representations for better learning and quick understanding.
Computer system Architecture & Organization is part of computer science, software engineering education courses and information technology degree programs of various universities.
Aplikasi ini adalah buku pegangan gratis lengkap sistem Computer Architecture & Organisasi yang meliputi penting topik, catatan, bahan, berita & blog di lapangan. Unduh Aplikasi sebagai bahan referensi & buku digital untuk program rekayasa ilmu komputer & program gelar software.
App ini berguna berisi 125 topik dengan rinci catatan, diagram, persamaan, rumus & materi kursus, topik yang tercantum dalam 5 bab. Aplikasi ini harus memiliki untuk semua mahasiswa ilmu teknik & profesional.
Aplikasi ini memberikan revisi cepat dan mengacu pada topik penting seperti catatan kartu flash rinci, membuatnya mudah & berguna untuk mahasiswa atau profesional untuk menutupi silabus cepat sebelum ujian atau wawancara untuk pekerjaan.
Melacak belajar Anda, mengatur pengingat, mengedit materi studi, menambahkan topik favorit, berbagi topik di media sosial.
Anda juga dapat blog tentang teknologi rekayasa, inovasi, startups rekayasa, kuliah kerja penelitian, update lembaga, link Informative pada bahan kursus & program pendidikan dari smartphone atau tablet atau
Gunakan aplikasi teknik ini berguna sebagai tutorial Anda, buku digital, panduan referensi untuk silabus, materi kursus, pekerjaan proyek, berbagi pandangan Anda di blog.
Beberapa topik Tercakup dalam aplikasi ini adalah:
1. Pengantar Organisasi Komputer dan Arsitektur
2. Organisasi Komputer dan Struktur Arsitektur
3. Pengukuran Kinerja
4. Lokasi Memory dan Operasi
5. Mode Mengatasi
6. jenis Instruksi mesin
7. Sebuah Mesin Sederhana
8. Instruksi mnemonik dan sintaks
9. Directive Assembler dan Perintah
Majelis 10. dan Pelaksanaan Program
11. Sistem Nomor
12. Integer Aritmatika
13. Floating Point Arithmetic
14. IEEE floating-point Standar
15. Hamming Kode
16. Aritmatika dan logika Satuan
17. Integer Representasi
18. Micro Operasi
19. Pengendalian prosesor
20. Implimentations Hardware
21. microprogrammed Kontrol
22. microinstruction Sequencing
23. microinstruction Eksekusi
24. TI 8800
25. Jenis sistem Processor paralel
26. Symmetric Multiprocessors
27. Organisasi Multiprocessors Symmetric
28. Pertimbangan Desain Multiprocessor Sistem Operasi
29. A SMP Mainframe
30. Cache Coherence dan protokol mesi
31. Software dan hardware Solusi cache Coherence
32. Mesi Protocol
33. Multithreading dan Clip Multiprocessing
34. Pendekatan untuk Multithreading Explicit
35. Cluster
36. Masalah Desain Sistem Operasi di Clustering
37. Cluster Arsitektur Komputer
38. seragam Access memory
39. NUMA Pro dan Kontra
40. Vector Perhitungan
41. Pendekatan Vector Komputasi
42. Masalah Kinerja Hardware
Konsumsi 43. Daya
44. Software Kinerja Masalah
45. Contoh Aplikasi: Valve Permainan Software
Organisasi Multicore 46.
47. Pengantar Input / Output Devices
48. Konsep Dasar I / O Devices
49. Progarmmed I / O
50. Interrupt - Driven I / O
51. Interrupt Hardware
52. Contoh interrupt I / O
53. Memory Access Direct (DMA)
54. Bus
55. Synchronous dan Asynchronous Bus
56. Bus Arbitrase
57. Input / Antarmuka Keluaran
58. Mengakses I / O Devices
59. Program-dikendalikan I / O
60. Interupsi
61. Interupsi Hardware
62. Interrupt Hardware
63. Mengaktifkan dan Menonaktifkan Interupsi
64. Penanganan Beberapa Perangkat
Setiap topik lengkap dengan diagram, persamaan dan bentuk lain dari representasi grafis untuk belajar lebih baik dan pemahaman yang cepat.
Sistem komputer Arsitektur & Organisasi merupakan bagian dari ilmu komputer, kursus pendidikan rekayasa perangkat lunak dan program gelar teknologi informasi dari berbagai perguruan tinggi.